fly or die
Wednesday, November 24, 2004
108 degrees Fahrenheit
So, okay, I admit, I'm a bit of an emotional retard.
I've always found it hard to express myself, especially to men who matter. Nevermind that I can eloquently present my work, can write 150 words a minute and have a vocabulary large enough to never need to use the f*** word to tell off Account Management. Heck, all that is of no use when I'm with the male species.

My only explanation is fever.

Well, you know how it becomes dangerous when your fever goes out of control - you might end up mute, deaf or both? Well, I suspect, that's what happens to me.

Fever Case #1
Back in those days of carrot jeans, tuition classes, and what I thought then - "the most beautiful boy I've ever see" - Tommy (please, no connection whatsoever with Tommy Page and of course, not his real name).

Every Add Math class, I'll sit behind Tommy - so that I could gaze at his wavy dark brown hair. I'll tuck my hands safely under my armpits, lest my fingers run amok and tear through those luscious locks. (And after being under my armpits, I don't think he'll appreciate me wiping my sweaty palms all over his brylcreemed hair).

And on those days when watching his back isn't enough, my pens would find a thousand ways to somersault off my table. He, being the gentleman he was, would turn around and pick them up. Of course, I never "looked" at him picking them up. I never even smiled. I'll readjust my glasses and pretend to see through him to the writing on the whiteboard.

Then Form 5 ended. He was gone. And I never even got to say thanks to him for picking all those pens. Needless to say, I barely passed Add Math.

Fever Case #3
Bryan. The bad boy with the bike. He was a college mate's neighbour. I found a lot of reasons to visit her. (Sorry, M, now you know) He'll be out on the porch, some times polishing his bike, at other times, I secretly believed, to check me out. Sweaty man and a powerbike. Who could resist such a potent combo? I would arrive at M's, sneak a peek at him and pretend he wasn't even there.

Bryan, unlike Tommy, was a little more worldly wise and could smell my I'm-not-interested interest a mile away. Pheromones, I suspect. So, one day, when I hopped off the bus near M's, he was there, waiting. Glistening under the sun. "Want a lift?" he asked. I was stunned. Tongue-tied. I blushed till my feet turned blue, cause the blood had all rushed to my head. I don't think I ever answered him. He started his bike. I got on. And we took two hours to get to M's.

Fever Case #3
It said Jr Copywriter on my name card. And when they asked me to work on my first TVC, I did cartwheels. At last, the real stuff. Then, came my 1st pre-pro. The team came in one by one and finally, him - the Producer. I held my jaw to stop it from hitting the conference table. He was - for lack of a better word - hot! Woo!

I found it totally unnerving to be in the same room as he was, so Ms Retard showed up instead. And instead of being "nice" or better yet "flirty", I picked on him. I complained about everything - the pre-pro scheduling, the talents, the location, costumes - you name it. Till today, I don't know why. Maybe it is an in-built defense mechanism that kicks in to stop me from drooling over some one I work with. He was really glad when the TVC was over. I wasn't.

By now, I thought I would have outgrown my girlish inaptitude.
But I guess I've just refined them.

  • Pencil chewed at
  • 6:30:00 pm //
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    about me
    A neurotic, nail biting, slightly schizo, caffeine crazed copywriter who doesn't know better than waste her life in the pursuit of the golden pencil a.k.a The One Show. To console me, click here.

    Or simply Blogroll Me!

    Today's mood is The current mood of at
    Female. Lives in Malaysia/Selangor/Petaling Jaya, speaks English. Eye color is brown. I am what my mother calls unique. I am also optimistic. My interests are diving/blogging.
    This is my blogchalk:
    Malaysia, Selangor, Petaling Jaya, English, Female, diving, blogging.
    December 2003
    January 2004
    February 2004
    March 2004
    April 2004
    May 2004
    June 2004
    July 2004
    August 2004
    September 2004
    October 2004
    November 2004
    December 2004
    January 2005
    February 2005
    people mentioned in this blog
    I realised that it is increasingly difficult for you to identify who's who in this blog. So here's a rundown. Will try to categorise entries to names but that will take some time, cause I still haven't figured out how to do it.
    In the agency
    Big Billy - Boss, my Creative Director
    Donna - beautiful bimbo Account Executive
    Heng - the art director I used to work with
    Hoe, Mr - my favourite client
    Jenna - the art director I'm working with now
    Susan - street smart Group Account Director
    Tina - my Traffic Manager
    Tomas - fellow copywriter, confidante

    Beyond the agency
    June & Mila - my best gal pals
    Matt - the guy dating me
    Minnie & Moe - my guppies
    Trish - the friend who set me up with Matt

    *all names have been changed.
    my zany portfolio
    I'll paste work here periodically. But none of them will be real client work - just my own initiates and doodling.
  • Perodua Kancil
    awesome ad of the week
    G-Day Coffee TVC. Scene opens on guy trying to slide down a dry water slide. He gets stuck. He finally manages to squeak all the way down. TVC ends with him savouring a mug of G-Day coffee and the tag "Save water for G-Day coffee". A bit unreal but I love the humour. And the talent, the Each Other actor (I forgot his name), is super. He makes it work.
    wished i wrote that
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