fly or die
Saturday, April 03, 2004
Poxing day
The evening after the pitch, I discovered a little watery bump on my belly. I groaned "oh no," and dreaded the worst. I went to the doctor and she confirmed it, "Wah! So old only get chicken pox ah?"

Thanks a lot.

Gives you the bad news and rubs it in too. She also gives me 2 weeks MC. Yipee! Alas, a silver lining in all this 'suffering'.
"Drink lots of water, take good rest."
"Yes, mom," I said as I exit.

The thing about chicken pox is that it makes me ugly. I won't die from it. But I could die looking at the mirror. I've heard of my friends who hid all the mirrors in their home when they had chicken pox. Now I understand.

How do you face the problem when the problem is your face?
By the next morning, I found the answer. I no longer had a face. I had bubble wrap.

I called Mila to help pick up a few groceries for me. Mila is another old fogey who hasn't had the pox.
"What if I get it? Got scar, how?" she whined.
"Just leave it at the door. You don't have to come in."
"You sure it's safe?"
"Are you going to help me or are you going to let me starve to death?"
"Okaylah. I'll bring them over today after work."
Sure enough, she does. I peer out of my peephole. She leaves a few big bags from Tesco, enough to feed the entire Lord of the Ring film crew in New Zealand. Rings the bell and scurries back to the lift. Guess I won't be seeing her for a while.

Did I mention she signed "Friends Forever" in my college yearbook?

  • Pencil chewed at
  • 10:58:00 am //
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    about me
    A neurotic, nail biting, slightly schizo, caffeine crazed copywriter who doesn't know better than waste her life in the pursuit of the golden pencil a.k.a The One Show. To console me, click here.

    Or simply Blogroll Me!

    Today's mood is The current mood of at
    Female. Lives in Malaysia/Selangor/Petaling Jaya, speaks English. Eye color is brown. I am what my mother calls unique. I am also optimistic. My interests are diving/blogging.
    This is my blogchalk:
    Malaysia, Selangor, Petaling Jaya, English, Female, diving, blogging.
    December 2003
    January 2004
    February 2004
    March 2004
    April 2004
    May 2004
    June 2004
    July 2004
    August 2004
    September 2004
    October 2004
    November 2004
    December 2004
    January 2005
    February 2005
    people mentioned in this blog
    I realised that it is increasingly difficult for you to identify who's who in this blog. So here's a rundown. Will try to categorise entries to names but that will take some time, cause I still haven't figured out how to do it.
    In the agency
    Big Billy - Boss, my Creative Director
    Donna - beautiful bimbo Account Executive
    Heng - the art director I used to work with
    Hoe, Mr - my favourite client
    Jenna - the art director I'm working with now
    Susan - street smart Group Account Director
    Tina - my Traffic Manager
    Tomas - fellow copywriter, confidante

    Beyond the agency
    June & Mila - my best gal pals
    Matt - the guy dating me
    Minnie & Moe - my guppies
    Trish - the friend who set me up with Matt

    *all names have been changed.
    my zany portfolio
    I'll paste work here periodically. But none of them will be real client work - just my own initiates and doodling.
  • Perodua Kancil
    awesome ad of the week
    G-Day Coffee TVC. Scene opens on guy trying to slide down a dry water slide. He gets stuck. He finally manages to squeak all the way down. TVC ends with him savouring a mug of G-Day coffee and the tag "Save water for G-Day coffee". A bit unreal but I love the humour. And the talent, the Each Other actor (I forgot his name), is super. He makes it work.
    wished i wrote that
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